Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Don't ask about baby plans

OK, so being a newly wed we get a lot of questions about when we plan to start a family. Many of my fellow women of child bearing age frequently get asked similar questions. I have to tell you: if you are this type of person that asks these questions, STOP! Do not ask people about their family plans. There is two sides to being this person that is being asked and I will explain both and why both suck

1.  You are not trying to conceive. For whatever reason you are waiting to have kids, don't want kids, whatever. It's annoying when you are constantly defending your choices. It is also horrible for societies expectations of you having children to be pushed in your face all the time. For many women, this starts once you get to a certain age or a number of your friends have children. But, I will tell you this is amped up even more once you are married.

2. You are trying to conceive and haven't yet. You really want kids, you are ready and trying, maybe you even are waiting to test, whatever the reason you aren't pregnant yet but want to be. This is an awful place to be, some say even worse than being in position 1. For me it has been a lot harder. The truth is people who are trying to get pregnant don't want to talk about their sex habits to everyone and probably don't want to explain to you "Well, I just bonked my husband, here is to hoping it works out!"  For those who are in this tough place, it is a horrible reminder that they are, in-fact, not pregnant.

So, if you are in either one of these positions at any time, I am sorry. I find responding with an awkward comment will stop them from asking for awhile. And if you happen to be the type who is asking people about their private sex lives, be prepared for a very honest, sometimes graphic answer

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Yes! I did not believe this one

OK, So, after seeing this for a few times on-line I decided it couldn't be the same color. So, I proceeded to save it to my computer and open in paint. If you just the color picking tool you can see It actually is the same color. I find that optical illusions are always entertaining to me. And since I have been beyond busy and have not had time to even think about writing here. I decided, I can, at least, share this