Sunday, May 12, 2013

Our Very Merry Un-Birthday Celebration

I Thought I would post about of adventure of Tempest's very merry un-birthday celebration. We decided we would go to the Zoo. I love the Zoo and she loves going for walks in the stroller. We have a membership to our local zoo, The Detroit Zoo, So we packed up and headed out.
All ready to go
Mom and Tempest Looking at the big birds. Tempest liked the Eagles

Froggy statue

Mom's favorite is the Penguins

Tempest Liked the Monkey's. They made faces at her

Old Man Monkey

It was kind of chilly that morning and many of the animals were sleeping when we got there. Then it got super hot super fast. We had a little set back because mom left the bottle nipples at home, So Tempest got a new sippy cup and a swirly straw cup so she could have some food. She, also, got to try french fries for the first time. They were yummy. We had a lot of fun hanging out as a family. It was the perfect day for a 6 month very merry un-birthday celebration.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Six Months

When we found out I was pregnant, my husband and I started talking about what days of a year to celebrate, he was very adamant about having an un-birthday party for our baby. Since I am in love with Alice and Wonderland and we have very few days out of the year that we do something special, I immediately loved the idea. I decided it should be a 6 month event, since it is no more or less her birthday. I started to plan my little girl’s 6 month birthday about 3 weeks before hand. I wanted to make it special. I thought about how we could make it “the best day” for her.
Then we went to the grocery store. She loves going places with mom and dad, the grocery store is no different. My husband accidentally dropped a box of Reese’s Pieces off the shelf. She giggled at the sound of the rattling noise. So, we bought the box of candy. She played with it the entire time we were finishing up our shopping, the entire car ride home, and for a good 3 hours before she went to bed. My husband enjoyed the candy that night, thinking she was done playing with it. But being the guy that he was, left the empty box on the desk.
The next day, Baby and I went to talk with Husband in the office. She immediately saw the box and grabbed it off the desk. And with a very disappointed look shook it, realized it no longer made noise, and threw it to the ground pouting. I had to fix it; my poor little girl looked so mad. So, I filled the box with some extra pumpkin seeds I had and taped it closed. She had her toy back and was thrilled.
I realized over the last two days that she had “the best day” grocery shopping and playing with something I wouldn’t have given a second look to.  It wasn’t about special treatment or fun activities; she was just happy being with me and playing. It was the simple things.
I no longer had to stress about trying to make it special, it was special. We did go to the Zoo, but with the realization that it was more of a trip for me. 
So, Happy 6 month Birthday to my Little Girl. Tempest Elizabeth you are wonderful and I can’t wait to see you grow up even more. This has been the best 6 months of my life. 

Monday, May 6, 2013


We have been having a weird transition with diapers lately.

She was leaking a lot at night and someone recommended we go up a size again for bedtime (even though her diapers fit well) so since i had a pack of size 2 Huggies someone gave me as a gift, I figured we would try it. 

I am so glad I did, because when I opened the pack, I realized that their size 2 is slightly smaller than the size 1 dollar general brand we were using. So, if I would have waited to open them until they "fit" they would have been too small. 

Turns out I really like the Huggies Little Snugglers, I love the band in the back. And they fit her extremely well. But they only go to size 2. So, we bought a small pack of parent's choice, because I was told they fit similarly and I figured if I could find a new brand that I liked better that would be great. While they do fit her, they leak right away for us, it is like they didn't hold anything. 

So I had a coupon and a discount code for so, I just bought a case of the Huggies little movers size 3 to see how they work. 

I got them in the two days as promised and stuck them up into the closet until the size 2 are gone. 

Then, even the size 2 Huggies leaked. Almost every time. Seriously, I am so sick of cleaning up pee. Really. I wondered if it was these diapers, too or if my little girl is just a pee machine. After all it couldn't be the fit, the tabs still almost touched. 

I decided to try the size 3 anyway. It changed my world, no more pee all over. Why is it no one tells you exactly how to know when to go up a size in diapers. I was told by a million people that when they don't fit that's when you go up, but the smaller size still fits. The bigger size looks really big.  In the end I had to trust my instinct on it, but really it would have been better to not have to spend a week washing pee filled clothing, bedding, car seat, mom's clothing, blankets, and pretty much everything else in the world.