Sunday, February 26, 2012

OHP: Recapping Month 2

As we are closing in on Month 2 of my Organized Home Project it is time to check in on my progress. I am making improvements, but no where near as fast as I would like.

30 Box Throw Away
So, as of my initial post I had discarded myself of 7 boxes of stuff. I quickly was falling behind after January closed with still only the 7 boxes gone. February put another hold on my OHP when Tim lost his job and I began picking up all the hours I could. I wasn't home and couldn't get anything done. This put me further behind. Even watching my motivation show, Hoarders, only made me feel guilty for not getting stuff done.

So, finally after a few weeks getting use to having Tim home all the time, I started picking back up with my OHP. I am up a few more boxes. Here is the list I have gotten rid of last week:
  • 1 more bag of books
  • 1 box of junk that needed to be thrown away
  • 1 box of random kitchen stuff
  • 2 boxes of mini ciders that I had left over from my wedding. I am proud of getting rid of these because they are one of the items that I said "I will do something with these" and they have just been sitting in the way
Some of the stuff getting ready to go to it's new home

So, now we are up to 12 boxes. I have three more days before I should have 20 boxes gone. I have been pretty much running around my house seeing what stuff I could get rid of. I have just made another post to my local free-cycle group (a wonderful resource; look into it!) and I have the week off for spring break. I plan to work all week to get at least to 20, but hopefully ahead of that (maybe even get to 30). So, off I go to run around my house and find more stuff to throw away, more stuff to give away and even some stuff to sell.

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