Monday, May 6, 2013


We have been having a weird transition with diapers lately.

She was leaking a lot at night and someone recommended we go up a size again for bedtime (even though her diapers fit well) so since i had a pack of size 2 Huggies someone gave me as a gift, I figured we would try it. 

I am so glad I did, because when I opened the pack, I realized that their size 2 is slightly smaller than the size 1 dollar general brand we were using. So, if I would have waited to open them until they "fit" they would have been too small. 

Turns out I really like the Huggies Little Snugglers, I love the band in the back. And they fit her extremely well. But they only go to size 2. So, we bought a small pack of parent's choice, because I was told they fit similarly and I figured if I could find a new brand that I liked better that would be great. While they do fit her, they leak right away for us, it is like they didn't hold anything. 

So I had a coupon and a discount code for so, I just bought a case of the Huggies little movers size 3 to see how they work. 

I got them in the two days as promised and stuck them up into the closet until the size 2 are gone. 

Then, even the size 2 Huggies leaked. Almost every time. Seriously, I am so sick of cleaning up pee. Really. I wondered if it was these diapers, too or if my little girl is just a pee machine. After all it couldn't be the fit, the tabs still almost touched. 

I decided to try the size 3 anyway. It changed my world, no more pee all over. Why is it no one tells you exactly how to know when to go up a size in diapers. I was told by a million people that when they don't fit that's when you go up, but the smaller size still fits. The bigger size looks really big.  In the end I had to trust my instinct on it, but really it would have been better to not have to spend a week washing pee filled clothing, bedding, car seat, mom's clothing, blankets, and pretty much everything else in the world. 

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