Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Joys of Pregnancy: Heartburn
I have had serious heartburn through the whole pregnancy. At first saltines seemed to do the trick. When those stopped working Cherry concentrate and apple cider vinager worked amazingly. That didn't last. After that mints worked great, then I resorted to tums. Now, my tums offer little relief as well. Tonight I am resorting to constant eating to cure this heartburn. I am now wondering if there is a way to rig up my mouth to chew and eat in my sleep.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Baby V-day
So, yesterday was viability day. For those of you who don't know. This is 24 weeks into pregnancy. It is the time where the baby is considered Viable. That means if I were to give birth right now, doctors would do everything possible to save the baby. This also means our statistics are looking better and better.
This is one of those odd milestones that makes me feel very excited. To know that we are that much closer to having a baby in our house and not just in my belly.
This is one of those odd milestones that makes me feel very excited. To know that we are that much closer to having a baby in our house and not just in my belly.
24 week baby bump |
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Food Stamps
Well all, this is the kind of thing I normally would keep to myself but I think I need to get some thoughts out there about it and that is why I created this blog in the first place.
So, here it goes: I just activated my account for food stamps. Our card, better known as the bridge card to those of you here in Michigan, has left me with some mixed feelings that I would like to explore.
There is a huge stigma in this country about any form of government assistance, In this area specifically, it is looked down upon and if you are on any form of it you might as well be one step up from trash in many people's eyes. So, with this attitude in the back of my mind, I do feel an immense amount of shame for succumbing to my needs of applying for help. Also, I know my shame will be much worse tonight when we use the card for the first time.
So why with all these feelings did I decide to apply in the first place and not just go on struggling through? After all, we were making it before hand. Well I have two separate, and in my mind equally important reasons for putting myself through this.
1. Personal Situation: When Tim lost his job earlier this year it was a devastating loss. He is the income in our family, even when I do bring in money it is extra. We did OK for a short time after, it was right when we were getting our tax returns back. So, instead of buying a car that runs properly, We stocked up our freezer and paid all our bills a month in advance. We thought this would for sure get us through until his unemployment check came in or he found another job.
The following month and zero job offers later, we also got the horrible news that one government agency had let us down. We weren't getting unemployment, we had no prospect of future income. To make things more stressful; my little part time job only had a month left; I found out I was pregnant, which is a great thing since we had been trying for months, but it also meant I needed to eat better, which costs a lot more money especially in winter in Michigan when there is no local produce.
So with no incoming coming in we started to get behind on our bills, somehow we still managed to struggle through and soon after Tim found a job. But now we were behind. We already had a fairly large (at least in my eyes) amount of debt, so we had no credit cards to hold us over. We struggled, missed payments, bought the cheapest food we could so we would have enough money for gas to get to work. I knew it would get better, since we were doing fine before and this job was equal in pay to what we were getting. What I didn't expect was that once you get behind, it is much harder to get caught up. We were, and still are just one paycheck behind. We started paying what was most important. We were a little late on a lot of bills, but they were still getting paid.
The I got sick. The food that we had stocked up in our freezer was running out and we had been eating crap food. Although I was still making sure to take vitamins (and doubling up to account for the lack of them in my diet) I wasn't feeling good. My body was just off balance and with the baby taking most of the nutrients that I did have. I got a UTI, a yeast infection and I could feel an overgrowth of yeast in my whole system, and my PH level was extremely low and I knew continuing with it would just be asking for bacteria to take over more. I knew I wasn't doing myself or the baby a favor my saving money eating pasta and breads and nothing else. I knew I needed to spend the extra money on healthy foods. It was money we didn't have, but I had no choice. So we bought our food for the week, actual fresh fruits and veggies (lots of salad, my major craving), Greek yogurt and an all around healthy diet. It came to 4 times what our "Cheap crap" diet was, but we spent it anyway.
I started feeling better right away, the infections I had cleared up and I even got some energy back (which I attribute half to diet and half to entering into the 2nd trimester). But our bills struggled more. We now were spending more on food so there was less to go around for bills. We were still behind from before and now we were falling further. I hate living this way. I grew up living like that, it wasn't always that bad, but I do remember plenty of red letter envelopes. The stress of the bills was much more than any stress I had felt before. I knew going like this wasn't any better than eating crap to survive.
So, I swallowed my pride and applied for help. Since it is pretty much all done online it wasn't too bad. But I somehow still felt like a failure. Even though I am doing this to help my little growing family, I still can't shake those feelings of letting everything down.
2. Social Reasons: This is no where near as long of a story, but I find it important none the less. Why apply for the infamous Bridge Card? Because there should not be shame, there should not be the stigma attached to such a thing, and in my own way it is my protest against these thoughts and ideas in our society.
Democracy, for all it's wonderful advantages, also creates a need for a certain number of the population to be poor. This is just how our system operates. Because a certain number must remain in the poor class (and reproduce the poor class) there is an advantage for the system to take care of this said poor class. Now I think for all our system does do that it is seriously lacking in this department, especially when compared to other countries, but that is another rant entirely.
So, with my two reasons in mind. I will use my bridge card tonight without shame (at least try to). And will take comfort that it is that much more money that we can get back on track with.
So, here it goes: I just activated my account for food stamps. Our card, better known as the bridge card to those of you here in Michigan, has left me with some mixed feelings that I would like to explore.
There is a huge stigma in this country about any form of government assistance, In this area specifically, it is looked down upon and if you are on any form of it you might as well be one step up from trash in many people's eyes. So, with this attitude in the back of my mind, I do feel an immense amount of shame for succumbing to my needs of applying for help. Also, I know my shame will be much worse tonight when we use the card for the first time.
So why with all these feelings did I decide to apply in the first place and not just go on struggling through? After all, we were making it before hand. Well I have two separate, and in my mind equally important reasons for putting myself through this.
1. Personal Situation: When Tim lost his job earlier this year it was a devastating loss. He is the income in our family, even when I do bring in money it is extra. We did OK for a short time after, it was right when we were getting our tax returns back. So, instead of buying a car that runs properly, We stocked up our freezer and paid all our bills a month in advance. We thought this would for sure get us through until his unemployment check came in or he found another job.
The following month and zero job offers later, we also got the horrible news that one government agency had let us down. We weren't getting unemployment, we had no prospect of future income. To make things more stressful; my little part time job only had a month left; I found out I was pregnant, which is a great thing since we had been trying for months, but it also meant I needed to eat better, which costs a lot more money especially in winter in Michigan when there is no local produce.
So with no incoming coming in we started to get behind on our bills, somehow we still managed to struggle through and soon after Tim found a job. But now we were behind. We already had a fairly large (at least in my eyes) amount of debt, so we had no credit cards to hold us over. We struggled, missed payments, bought the cheapest food we could so we would have enough money for gas to get to work. I knew it would get better, since we were doing fine before and this job was equal in pay to what we were getting. What I didn't expect was that once you get behind, it is much harder to get caught up. We were, and still are just one paycheck behind. We started paying what was most important. We were a little late on a lot of bills, but they were still getting paid.
The I got sick. The food that we had stocked up in our freezer was running out and we had been eating crap food. Although I was still making sure to take vitamins (and doubling up to account for the lack of them in my diet) I wasn't feeling good. My body was just off balance and with the baby taking most of the nutrients that I did have. I got a UTI, a yeast infection and I could feel an overgrowth of yeast in my whole system, and my PH level was extremely low and I knew continuing with it would just be asking for bacteria to take over more. I knew I wasn't doing myself or the baby a favor my saving money eating pasta and breads and nothing else. I knew I needed to spend the extra money on healthy foods. It was money we didn't have, but I had no choice. So we bought our food for the week, actual fresh fruits and veggies (lots of salad, my major craving), Greek yogurt and an all around healthy diet. It came to 4 times what our "Cheap crap" diet was, but we spent it anyway.
I started feeling better right away, the infections I had cleared up and I even got some energy back (which I attribute half to diet and half to entering into the 2nd trimester). But our bills struggled more. We now were spending more on food so there was less to go around for bills. We were still behind from before and now we were falling further. I hate living this way. I grew up living like that, it wasn't always that bad, but I do remember plenty of red letter envelopes. The stress of the bills was much more than any stress I had felt before. I knew going like this wasn't any better than eating crap to survive.
So, I swallowed my pride and applied for help. Since it is pretty much all done online it wasn't too bad. But I somehow still felt like a failure. Even though I am doing this to help my little growing family, I still can't shake those feelings of letting everything down.
2. Social Reasons: This is no where near as long of a story, but I find it important none the less. Why apply for the infamous Bridge Card? Because there should not be shame, there should not be the stigma attached to such a thing, and in my own way it is my protest against these thoughts and ideas in our society.
Democracy, for all it's wonderful advantages, also creates a need for a certain number of the population to be poor. This is just how our system operates. Because a certain number must remain in the poor class (and reproduce the poor class) there is an advantage for the system to take care of this said poor class. Now I think for all our system does do that it is seriously lacking in this department, especially when compared to other countries, but that is another rant entirely.
So, with my two reasons in mind. I will use my bridge card tonight without shame (at least try to). And will take comfort that it is that much more money that we can get back on track with.
Friday, May 25, 2012
The Stuff: Diapers
So, Being a first time mom I started looking into baby stuff immediately after finding out that I was pregnant (O.K. it was actually before I was pregnant) but now that we are further along we are getting serious about actually making decisions.
Here is the thing: There is a lot of crap. Like a lot. We do not need all that stuff. No one needs all the baby stuff that is out there. Fine, I already knew that. what I don't know is what I actually do need or what I will really want. I imagine for any parents it is difficult, but for first time parents it is almost impossible. As of right now, I have not bought anything, seriously nothing, no onsies, not bottles no baby stuff, at all. I can say a lot of this is because of my confusion.
So this is my new series of posts on the stuff that we are researching and how it is messing with my mind. Our first entry. Diapers.
Diapers: I was sure this would be easy for us. We knew we wanted to do cloth, it is out lifestyle. I didn't want create the waste, nor spend so much money on disposables. Plus we try to live as natural as possible, which means no chemicals. and natural disposables are way way way expensive! So, obviously we are doing cloth. Decision done.
Or so I thought. one search of cloth diapers would tell me much different. It was a whole world. All these different types and styles. I had no idea. What is going to work for us, All in ones, prefolds, fitted, pockets. It was a new language and one I didn't understand.. at all. Then, there was all the brands. Even if I knew what type I wanted I would have no idea what brands. I considered just going with disposable because it was so confusing.
If you think this is easier because you decided to go disposable, you are also wrong. You still have to pick brand, style, natural, cheap, whatever. and if you need crazy things like Diaper Genies.
So, for me cloth it is still. We will be trying a few styles and brands. Then, the next step actually thinking about how it will really work. Thinking about the practicality of it is a whole other thing. What to do with the dirty diapers, do we use use cloth wipes too, how do you take care of them before washing.
The Wipe Debate: Cloth wipes make sense with cloth diapers, then you don't need a garbage for the wipes separately. But that also means more laundry, more cleaning and that I need to figure out just what is best to use for cloth.
So, possibly disposable wipes. Then, garbage? in the bathroom? in the baby room? What about a wipe warmer, who needs a wipe warmer anyway? Seriously, are wipes that cold? I find this to be one of the crazy inventions that I don't need at all.
I haven't came up with answers to this yet. I, actually have not done any research on it.
Dirty Diapers: How feasible is it to walk the dirty diaper to the bathroom to dump it out, then what? Our bathroom is tiny, I don't think we will be able to fit a spot for diapers in it.
Speaking of where diapers go, I had no idea about wet bags, wet pails or any other method to store dirty diapers. Personally I really like the idea of a wet pail, where the diapers soak. Then I wouldn't have to soak them pre-laundry. One of the hard things about a pail is that you need to be able to dump it. I don't want to be carrying a big pail of water through the house (especially not all the way downstairs) so I have to dump it before hand. if I can figure it out though, it would be great.
OK, that sounds good. Again my bathroom is tiny. And I'm not talking about small like you see in magazines that have the articles about more storage in "small" bathrooms. "Add a table or small dresser for storage" any advice like this means you do not have a small bathroom. I can sit on the toilet and wash my hands in the sink and feet in the bathtub. Putting a pail in the bathroom for easy diaper storage and dumping would be hard.
So, I don't know what we are doing. I did think about maybe a storage device that hooks to the wall next to the toilet (and half in the shower) with a drain so I could pull the drain and then take the bucket off the wall and carry it (minus the water) downstairs for laundry. This is an invention in my own mind, so I, 1. don't know if it will work and 2. I would have to build it.
My Best Advice: The best advice I have got is take it slow and no matter what you do know you will probably have to try a few things anyway. While we still haven't made any decisions, I feel like it is do-able, at least as far as diapers. stay tune for my next The Stuff entry to see if I feel the same way about strollers and car seats
Here is the thing: There is a lot of crap. Like a lot. We do not need all that stuff. No one needs all the baby stuff that is out there. Fine, I already knew that. what I don't know is what I actually do need or what I will really want. I imagine for any parents it is difficult, but for first time parents it is almost impossible. As of right now, I have not bought anything, seriously nothing, no onsies, not bottles no baby stuff, at all. I can say a lot of this is because of my confusion.
So this is my new series of posts on the stuff that we are researching and how it is messing with my mind. Our first entry. Diapers.
Diapers: I was sure this would be easy for us. We knew we wanted to do cloth, it is out lifestyle. I didn't want create the waste, nor spend so much money on disposables. Plus we try to live as natural as possible, which means no chemicals. and natural disposables are way way way expensive! So, obviously we are doing cloth. Decision done.
Or so I thought. one search of cloth diapers would tell me much different. It was a whole world. All these different types and styles. I had no idea. What is going to work for us, All in ones, prefolds, fitted, pockets. It was a new language and one I didn't understand.. at all. Then, there was all the brands. Even if I knew what type I wanted I would have no idea what brands. I considered just going with disposable because it was so confusing.
If you think this is easier because you decided to go disposable, you are also wrong. You still have to pick brand, style, natural, cheap, whatever. and if you need crazy things like Diaper Genies.
So, for me cloth it is still. We will be trying a few styles and brands. Then, the next step actually thinking about how it will really work. Thinking about the practicality of it is a whole other thing. What to do with the dirty diapers, do we use use cloth wipes too, how do you take care of them before washing.
The Wipe Debate: Cloth wipes make sense with cloth diapers, then you don't need a garbage for the wipes separately. But that also means more laundry, more cleaning and that I need to figure out just what is best to use for cloth.
So, possibly disposable wipes. Then, garbage? in the bathroom? in the baby room? What about a wipe warmer, who needs a wipe warmer anyway? Seriously, are wipes that cold? I find this to be one of the crazy inventions that I don't need at all.
I haven't came up with answers to this yet. I, actually have not done any research on it.
Dirty Diapers: How feasible is it to walk the dirty diaper to the bathroom to dump it out, then what? Our bathroom is tiny, I don't think we will be able to fit a spot for diapers in it.
Speaking of where diapers go, I had no idea about wet bags, wet pails or any other method to store dirty diapers. Personally I really like the idea of a wet pail, where the diapers soak. Then I wouldn't have to soak them pre-laundry. One of the hard things about a pail is that you need to be able to dump it. I don't want to be carrying a big pail of water through the house (especially not all the way downstairs) so I have to dump it before hand. if I can figure it out though, it would be great.
OK, that sounds good. Again my bathroom is tiny. And I'm not talking about small like you see in magazines that have the articles about more storage in "small" bathrooms. "Add a table or small dresser for storage" any advice like this means you do not have a small bathroom. I can sit on the toilet and wash my hands in the sink and feet in the bathtub. Putting a pail in the bathroom for easy diaper storage and dumping would be hard.
So, I don't know what we are doing. I did think about maybe a storage device that hooks to the wall next to the toilet (and half in the shower) with a drain so I could pull the drain and then take the bucket off the wall and carry it (minus the water) downstairs for laundry. This is an invention in my own mind, so I, 1. don't know if it will work and 2. I would have to build it.
My Best Advice: The best advice I have got is take it slow and no matter what you do know you will probably have to try a few things anyway. While we still haven't made any decisions, I feel like it is do-able, at least as far as diapers. stay tune for my next The Stuff entry to see if I feel the same way about strollers and car seats
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Baby Moving
I got to feel the baby for the first time last night. I was laying down and was a little uncomfortable, so I switched sides and very shortly after that felt baby flip too. It felt like a little strand of mini beads rolling across my uterus. I was surprised that it was very obvious that it was in my uterus. I had always heard that it was hard to tell at first if it was gas, digestion or baby.
I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow and being a first time mom I really wasn't expecting to feel anything for sure until much later, but it was such unique and wonderful feeling (and a little freaky).
I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow and being a first time mom I really wasn't expecting to feel anything for sure until much later, but it was such unique and wonderful feeling (and a little freaky).
Sunday, March 25, 2012
The Times They Are A-Changin'
Good morning blog world! I promise I have not forgot about you. Life as we know it has been equally crazy and exciting.
I'm Pregnant!
OK, so yes, I am very excited. Even more so, Tim is very excite. I am actually surprised that he is so excited about it. Just goes to show me I have the most wonderful Husband
So, for all of you (and for my record), here is the run-down of early events
I found out: Feb 27th at like 11:30 P.M.
I told Tim: Feb 28th. I broke it to him very gently because With the stress of him being unemployed at the time I was worried about his reaction. He was excited right off the bat. I cried because I was so relieved and happy
Baby's arrival: Last week of Oct/First week of November. Not comfortable with a date because I have long cycles. According to my Last Period (the date that many doctors use) we are looking at Oct 31st. According to my ovulation date (which is a little more accurate, but unsure if I actually Ovulated then) Our date is November 10th. So, I figure first week of November is a good guess.
We told my Mom and Step dad, Randy: March 4th. I wanted her to be the first to know; my mom and I are really close and I couldn't imagine anyone besides Tim and I knowing before she did. I gave her a CD of Carol King's "Really Rosie" It's a kid's CD that we listened to when I was a child. I told her she needed to memorize it before November. After a second for it to sink in she yelled "You're pregnant" then almost cried. It was a great experience
We told Tim's family: March 7th. They were all excited. I think his older sister is the most excited.
My first bout with Morning sickness: March 5th. I got really nauseous on my drive to work. I almost had to pull over a few times.
Morning Sickness really kicked in: March 13th. I have been nauseous pretty much ever since. and Have found Preggie Drops and hard candy is my friend.
I'm Pregnant!
OK, so yes, I am very excited. Even more so, Tim is very excite. I am actually surprised that he is so excited about it. Just goes to show me I have the most wonderful Husband
So, for all of you (and for my record), here is the run-down of early events
I found out: Feb 27th at like 11:30 P.M.
I told Tim: Feb 28th. I broke it to him very gently because With the stress of him being unemployed at the time I was worried about his reaction. He was excited right off the bat. I cried because I was so relieved and happy
Baby's arrival: Last week of Oct/First week of November. Not comfortable with a date because I have long cycles. According to my Last Period (the date that many doctors use) we are looking at Oct 31st. According to my ovulation date (which is a little more accurate, but unsure if I actually Ovulated then) Our date is November 10th. So, I figure first week of November is a good guess.
We told my Mom and Step dad, Randy: March 4th. I wanted her to be the first to know; my mom and I are really close and I couldn't imagine anyone besides Tim and I knowing before she did. I gave her a CD of Carol King's "Really Rosie" It's a kid's CD that we listened to when I was a child. I told her she needed to memorize it before November. After a second for it to sink in she yelled "You're pregnant" then almost cried. It was a great experience
We told Tim's family: March 7th. They were all excited. I think his older sister is the most excited.
My first bout with Morning sickness: March 5th. I got really nauseous on my drive to work. I almost had to pull over a few times.
Morning Sickness really kicked in: March 13th. I have been nauseous pretty much ever since. and Have found Preggie Drops and hard candy is my friend.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Positivity, Even in Challenges
When you stumble, get back up. It is imperative that you see like as constantly revolving. Fluid, like that of the ocean; ever expanding vastness, with endless possibilities and potentials. Without chance there isn't gain, without fumbles there isn't wins. Some may see me as optimistic, some naive, some just plain dumb; none of these things and all of these things are true. I am naive, dumb, but most optimistic; I am the positive I wish to see in the world.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
OHP: Recapping Month 2
As we are closing in on Month 2 of my Organized Home Project it is time to check in on my progress. I am making improvements, but no where near as fast as I would like.
30 Box Throw Away
So, as of my initial post I had discarded myself of 7 boxes of stuff. I quickly was falling behind after January closed with still only the 7 boxes gone. February put another hold on my OHP when Tim lost his job and I began picking up all the hours I could. I wasn't home and couldn't get anything done. This put me further behind. Even watching my motivation show, Hoarders, only made me feel guilty for not getting stuff done.
So, finally after a few weeks getting use to having Tim home all the time, I started picking back up with my OHP. I am up a few more boxes. Here is the list I have gotten rid of last week:
So, now we are up to 12 boxes. I have three more days before I should have 20 boxes gone. I have been pretty much running around my house seeing what stuff I could get rid of. I have just made another post to my local free-cycle group (a wonderful resource; look into it!) and I have the week off for spring break. I plan to work all week to get at least to 20, but hopefully ahead of that (maybe even get to 30). So, off I go to run around my house and find more stuff to throw away, more stuff to give away and even some stuff to sell.
30 Box Throw Away
So, as of my initial post I had discarded myself of 7 boxes of stuff. I quickly was falling behind after January closed with still only the 7 boxes gone. February put another hold on my OHP when Tim lost his job and I began picking up all the hours I could. I wasn't home and couldn't get anything done. This put me further behind. Even watching my motivation show, Hoarders, only made me feel guilty for not getting stuff done.
So, finally after a few weeks getting use to having Tim home all the time, I started picking back up with my OHP. I am up a few more boxes. Here is the list I have gotten rid of last week:
- 1 more bag of books
- 1 box of junk that needed to be thrown away
- 1 box of random kitchen stuff
- 2 boxes of mini ciders that I had left over from my wedding. I am proud of getting rid of these because they are one of the items that I said "I will do something with these" and they have just been sitting in the way
![]() |
Some of the stuff getting ready to go to it's new home |
So, now we are up to 12 boxes. I have three more days before I should have 20 boxes gone. I have been pretty much running around my house seeing what stuff I could get rid of. I have just made another post to my local free-cycle group (a wonderful resource; look into it!) and I have the week off for spring break. I plan to work all week to get at least to 20, but hopefully ahead of that (maybe even get to 30). So, off I go to run around my house and find more stuff to throw away, more stuff to give away and even some stuff to sell.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Life: an update
I figured I would take a second to write an update about life.
First and foremost our biggest change is that Tim lost his job. It comes as quite a shock to us both. I really think this is an opportunity for him to work for a company that is respectable and maybe that he will like better, but in the mean time it will be tough. He had a great interview last Wednesday and I think it went well, we are just waiting to hear.
Because of Tim's job loss, he has been home all week. Between that and the fact that I picked up more hours at work, I have got nothing done on my OHP. I am now down bags of stuff to get rid of and am going to have to work extra hard to catch up. Also, my diet and exercise have slightly decreased. This isn't all because Tim has been home, it actually mostly has to do with the Snow outside. I hate snow, I really hate snow.
As for our trying to conceive, although we have decided to "break" for a few months, we really haven't been. For us, a break simply is not scheduling time for us to have sex and not being so dependant on Ovulation Predictor Kits. Also, I have been cutting down on baby forums and looking at baby stuff and packed away all baby books. It has caused me to stress less about conceiving, but at the same time I have given up on the idea that I might get pregnant these few cycles. I guess only time will tell if it is a good decision or not.
As for me, My school and job are going fine. I am actually finding my french class to be some-what easy. This is my last class and I will be so happy to be finished in April, but it seems to be moving fast. My Job is great as always, I really enjoy helping students with their writing. I am considering Graduate School so I can keep my job longer (it's a student position).
As a recap of this year, it has been a strange year. There has been many stumbling blocks along the way and very few moving sidewalks. I am hoping we get them all out of the way very soon and can propel through the rest of the three quarters of the year.
First and foremost our biggest change is that Tim lost his job. It comes as quite a shock to us both. I really think this is an opportunity for him to work for a company that is respectable and maybe that he will like better, but in the mean time it will be tough. He had a great interview last Wednesday and I think it went well, we are just waiting to hear.
Because of Tim's job loss, he has been home all week. Between that and the fact that I picked up more hours at work, I have got nothing done on my OHP. I am now down bags of stuff to get rid of and am going to have to work extra hard to catch up. Also, my diet and exercise have slightly decreased. This isn't all because Tim has been home, it actually mostly has to do with the Snow outside. I hate snow, I really hate snow.
As for our trying to conceive, although we have decided to "break" for a few months, we really haven't been. For us, a break simply is not scheduling time for us to have sex and not being so dependant on Ovulation Predictor Kits. Also, I have been cutting down on baby forums and looking at baby stuff and packed away all baby books. It has caused me to stress less about conceiving, but at the same time I have given up on the idea that I might get pregnant these few cycles. I guess only time will tell if it is a good decision or not.
As for me, My school and job are going fine. I am actually finding my french class to be some-what easy. This is my last class and I will be so happy to be finished in April, but it seems to be moving fast. My Job is great as always, I really enjoy helping students with their writing. I am considering Graduate School so I can keep my job longer (it's a student position).
As a recap of this year, it has been a strange year. There has been many stumbling blocks along the way and very few moving sidewalks. I am hoping we get them all out of the way very soon and can propel through the rest of the three quarters of the year.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Seeking resolve
“It is no
longer a question of a false representation of reality (ideology) but of
concealing the fact that the real is no longer real, and thus of saving the
reality principle.” ― Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation
One can only wonder why a company whose existence is there
for the serving of the population can be so void of humanity. Where is the
karmatic balance of it all in the world? One territory, one company or one
family or even one man can create such an imbalance to the system. That the truth behind the injustices of the
world, In which, then, we become the
life of discord, like lost souls, crying out in hunger pains; for day light; for
a time where helping is helping because it is valiant , not because it is an opportunity
to hold power over the docile; for a moment, even fleeting, when the imbalances
converge within themselves to collapse the unjust of the system; or the repressed,
themselves, are allowed to step out of the shadows they have been cast to and concur
the Bourgeoisie. Crying out for anything to bring us out of these nights, the nights
of deception, crying out for the time when reality is, in fact, real and not
some experiment to leave us salivating, waiting for Pavlov to take pity on the
starvation. It has become acceptable for such experiments to continue in our
world, in theirs, without explanation or reparation. A lack of social justice
and accountability have molded an imbalance so substantial that it no longer is
distinguishable from the world in which it was born in, instead it seeks to
replace it, the ultimate Oedipal Complex. Kill the unprejudiced father and take
reign of mother ideology. Only then the company, rid of humanity, can exist,
without challenge, without validation, without reason. Only then the individuals
that create the system, no longer have the right to question. Only then are there no answers, for the answers
are themselves the questions in which we seek sanctuary from. An attempt to
answer without the question becomes perilous. In that hazard, it becomes
apparent that the answers we seek are no longer the meanings that exist,
instead the authenticity has altered and the questions themselves fuel the
demise of one while another, the one of the man, family, company or territory,
becomes valid.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
The Weight Challenge
So, a few days ago, I stepped on the scale (well the Wii board) for the first time in over a month. I was shocked to see that my weight had crept up, dangerously close to the most I have ever been. Now, I know much of this is related to stress, which I have been experiencing a lot of But, the glaring number staring back at me from the screen was a wake up call that I was in no way prepared for. I know I should have noticed the cues. I only have one pair of jeans that fit me and they are the biggest pair I own, I'm winded at everything, and I've been overly tired. All signs I am stressed and fat. That's right I said it FAT. I must be honest with myself if things are to change. It isn't just a little overweight, it isn't just chubby, it is fat.
I'm not comfortable in my own skin. I look at old pictures of myself and think "what happened?" Now, I'm not saying I want to get back to that point either. Weight has always been an issue, when I was younger I was underweight, grossly. Now, I'm over, what I think is grossly. I just want that middle ground, where I am not ashamed of my own body.
So, I've started keeping track of my food again and have made some healthy changes that I will continue to follow. I have, also, set goals that I feel are realistic.
Goal One: Keep track of all calories. This makes me face the facts and makes it easier for me to say no to snacking. I think to myself, "Do I really want to write this down?" The answer is usually no. Also, I can look at the calories I have eaten and realize I am not hungry
Goal Two: Keep track of all exercise. This way I can see exactly how much I am doing and, as opposite of calorie tracking, I can say "if I do this, I can add it"
Goal Three: Yoga and meditation. These are great tools for me to relax and remove stress and any stress relief that isn't eating is good.
Goal Four: Don't beat myself up. I understand it will take time, I understand that weight does not change the person I am, I understand that even if I fail I can still be on track. Remember this!
This week's weight in: Here is my brutally honest check in. I am starting at a horrible 178 and barely fitting into my larger than normal size 10 jeans. I hope to finish the week at a 170 and comfortably fitting into those jeans.
I'm not comfortable in my own skin. I look at old pictures of myself and think "what happened?" Now, I'm not saying I want to get back to that point either. Weight has always been an issue, when I was younger I was underweight, grossly. Now, I'm over, what I think is grossly. I just want that middle ground, where I am not ashamed of my own body.
So, I've started keeping track of my food again and have made some healthy changes that I will continue to follow. I have, also, set goals that I feel are realistic.
Goal One: Keep track of all calories. This makes me face the facts and makes it easier for me to say no to snacking. I think to myself, "Do I really want to write this down?" The answer is usually no. Also, I can look at the calories I have eaten and realize I am not hungry
Goal Two: Keep track of all exercise. This way I can see exactly how much I am doing and, as opposite of calorie tracking, I can say "if I do this, I can add it"
Goal Three: Yoga and meditation. These are great tools for me to relax and remove stress and any stress relief that isn't eating is good.
Goal Four: Don't beat myself up. I understand it will take time, I understand that weight does not change the person I am, I understand that even if I fail I can still be on track. Remember this!
This week's weight in: Here is my brutally honest check in. I am starting at a horrible 178 and barely fitting into my larger than normal size 10 jeans. I hope to finish the week at a 170 and comfortably fitting into those jeans.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Trying for Baby: Time to Pause
I'm sorry for this post. I usually try to structure my posts a little, but really I just need to write. So, this is bound to be a more diary type post than most.
I started my period today. I was devastated. I really thought I was pregnant this month. I was even 3 days late. I just felt pregnant. It hurts that again we failed. I went to my "Staying positive" list. Currently I am in the wallow phase. But something else important had to happen too. We had to decide what the next few months would entail. I was hoping this would be our month and we didn't have to worry about it, but, alas, that was not the case.
Tim and I decided to hold off trying to conceive for a couple of months. We have a couple of reasons for our decision.
One is that it will allow me to work an extra semester. This way we can hopefully get some more bills paid off and be better prepared for baby.
Two is that if I decide to go into my graduate program, I can get a full semester out of the way. I'm not entirely sure that I will be doing a grad program, but this is always an option.
Three is that we can avoid the crazy-ness of the holidays. Holidays tend to be horrible for us. We are usually pretty busy bouncing from all the families (4 different places). and to bring a brand new baby seems a little crazy. Plus, if I were to be due then it is possible that I would be giving birth then which is even crazier! Let alone, we may be without our midwife, if she is out of town for holidays.
Everything together helped us decide that putting trying to conceive off for a couple of months (2 to be exact) is the right decision for us. The problem is, I really want a baby. I am already hurt that we aren't pregnant. I'm frustrated that it is happening for all these people around me, most of which aren't even trying, while I am left behind. I understand Tim can't understand my feelings and I wouldn't expect him to, but at the same time I can't get over this hurt feeling.
I started my period today. I was devastated. I really thought I was pregnant this month. I was even 3 days late. I just felt pregnant. It hurts that again we failed. I went to my "Staying positive" list. Currently I am in the wallow phase. But something else important had to happen too. We had to decide what the next few months would entail. I was hoping this would be our month and we didn't have to worry about it, but, alas, that was not the case.
Tim and I decided to hold off trying to conceive for a couple of months. We have a couple of reasons for our decision.
One is that it will allow me to work an extra semester. This way we can hopefully get some more bills paid off and be better prepared for baby.
Two is that if I decide to go into my graduate program, I can get a full semester out of the way. I'm not entirely sure that I will be doing a grad program, but this is always an option.
Three is that we can avoid the crazy-ness of the holidays. Holidays tend to be horrible for us. We are usually pretty busy bouncing from all the families (4 different places). and to bring a brand new baby seems a little crazy. Plus, if I were to be due then it is possible that I would be giving birth then which is even crazier! Let alone, we may be without our midwife, if she is out of town for holidays.
Everything together helped us decide that putting trying to conceive off for a couple of months (2 to be exact) is the right decision for us. The problem is, I really want a baby. I am already hurt that we aren't pregnant. I'm frustrated that it is happening for all these people around me, most of which aren't even trying, while I am left behind. I understand Tim can't understand my feelings and I wouldn't expect him to, but at the same time I can't get over this hurt feeling.
Monday, January 16, 2012
The Organized Home Project (OHP)
The Mission
The Problem
First Thing's First
Second is The Best
Staying Motivated and Keeping the Goals in Mind
It is my mission this year to create
a fully livable, organized home. As, I go through I will be tracking my project
What I have always had a problem
with is trying to get organized throughout all the chaos. I know this piece
goes in the bedroom, but when I try to put it there, its spot is taken up by
other junk. So, the piece goes next to its spot and the process continues until
nothing is in the correct spot and there are piles of junk in every room.
Problem number two is simply there is too much stuff. Too much, "this is nice and I might use it." Too much, "sure, I will take it." Too much, "I will use this eventually, I need to keep it". Phrases like these result in an overload of things that ruin my simplistic lifestyle I want to live.
So, the first step in my process is removing
all the junk, from everywhere. I am lucky enough to have two living rooms, one
of which we never use. The first thing I have done is move all the junk into
that one room. Everything. Everywhere. If it doesn't belong, if it isn't
organized, if it needs to be organized, it goes in this room. Now, I know this
method will not work for everyone. Not everyone has an extra room they aren't
using and this may not be the best solution if you have an active household.
But think of this as the large scale. If you are organizing a drawer, dump it
out. Work one drawer, one cabinet, or one room at a time, whatever you are
comfortable with.
Here is some photo's of the disaster that I have created in step one (and my cat, Wink, mockingly judging the mess):
Baby Step #1Here is some photo's of the disaster that I have created in step one (and my cat, Wink, mockingly judging the mess):
After I removed everything to the
room, I, then, began grouping the like items together. And of course tossing
things I do not need and separating stuff to give away or sell.
To eliminate the problem of too much stuff, I plan to
give, sell or throw away 30 bags or boxes worth of stuff by the end of March.
I believe I have more than the 30 and I am really hoping to surpass the 30, but 30 is the magic number I am shooting for. Why 30? Because I feel it is important to have an arbitrary number and because I believe 30 is a little out of my comfort zone but not so far I can't achieve it. Maybe your number is only 10, maybe its 50. Imagine how much you think you have to get rid of, imagine the space it takes up. How many bags will it take up? now add a few bags, there is your number. Reinforce that number. Keep it on a post it on the door, put it up on the fridge, anything that will keep it in your mind. And KEEP TRACK.
So far we have removed 2 bags of
clothing, a broken oven (which I am counting on a box, because it would fill up a box) and 1 box of books. I have tossed 1 bag of papers, and burned 1 box of
personal document papers. I, also, have 1 more box of books to go this week.
Here is the box that is going:
Here is the box that is going:
Although it is a little hard to see, it contains about 40 books. So, these aren't little boxes I am talking about. I am talking about removing a lot of stuff.
That is 7 for those of you keeping
count. I have 10 more weeks and 23 more bags to go.
If you, like me, need some help with
the motivation to toss stuff, watch Hoarders. It will help. Now, I am
not suggesting my house, or anyone who is reading this's house is as bad as
this show, but remember many of the people on this show are in denial about how
bad their house is. I am, also, in denial. I am sure that keeping those few
extra papers or storing those cable cords is not going to clutter my house. The
truth is I don't need it and its hurting me.
Now, I am not deluding myself. Things take me a long time. I work, have school, have a life. I do not have time or the desire to work on this every day. I know that I can't do the "30 days to change your home" programs. I can't focus on one room at a time. I have my own pace, my own plan. But, I need those deadlines. Giving myself the year will allow me the time I need to get everything done without rushing. Truthfully, I will probably be done early and then I will be proud of myself for beating my deadline. Mini Deadlines, such as my 30 bags by March, makes sure I am actually working on it.
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