Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Seeking resolve

It is no longer a question of a false representation of reality (ideology) but of concealing the fact that the real is no longer real, and thus of saving the reality principle.” ― Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation

One can only wonder why a company whose existence is there for the serving of the population can be so void of humanity. Where is the karmatic balance of it all in the world? One territory, one company or one family or even one man can create such an imbalance to the system.  That the truth behind the injustices of the world,  In which, then, we become the life of discord, like lost souls, crying out in hunger pains; for day light; for a time where helping is helping because it is valiant , not because it is an opportunity to hold power over the docile; for a moment, even fleeting, when the imbalances converge within themselves to collapse the unjust of the system; or the repressed, themselves, are allowed to step out of the shadows they have been cast to and concur the Bourgeoisie. Crying out for anything to bring us out of these nights, the nights of deception, crying out for the time when reality is, in fact, real and not some experiment to leave us salivating, waiting for Pavlov to take pity on the starvation. It has become acceptable for such experiments to continue in our world, in theirs, without explanation or reparation. A lack of social justice and accountability have molded an imbalance so substantial that it no longer is distinguishable from the world in which it was born in, instead it seeks to replace it, the ultimate Oedipal Complex. Kill the unprejudiced father and take reign of mother ideology. Only then the company, rid of humanity, can exist, without challenge, without validation, without reason. Only then the individuals that create the system, no longer have the right to question.  Only then are there no answers, for the answers are themselves the questions in which we seek sanctuary from. An attempt to answer without the question becomes perilous. In that hazard, it becomes apparent that the answers we seek are no longer the meanings that exist, instead the authenticity has altered and the questions themselves fuel the demise of one while another, the one of the man, family, company or territory, becomes valid.  

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